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you can count on...

Darcie and her team are very involved in each horses' care. We want to make sure they are comfortable and happy. She prides herself in detail to each horse and reading signs that let us know when something needs addressed before it turns into an issue that may affect their health or performance. Being proactive in heath care and performance is  important, which is why we choose 100x supplements along with other products and resources such as chiropractic care, massage therapies and more. 

All stalls have mats, soft bedding, and automatic waterers that are 

cleaned on a regular basis. Hoof care, grooming, diet, behavior and stall habits are all carefully monitored on a regular basis. 

*Board provides quality alfalfa , mix grass hay grain and special free choice mineral 

*Grooming includes full body bathing. Conditioning and braiding of manes and tails with our products. Plus clipping and fly repellent during insect season


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